  • Facebook推出支持视频通话的电视盒子PortalTV,同场加映两款新Portal

    Facebook发售了PortalTV,这是一款需要将该公司的广角视频聊天功能终端电视大屏幕的电视盒子。PortalTV将于11月5日发售,价格是149美元(大约人民币1060元)。 PortalTV配有HDMI模块,将其与电视相连,指定Facebook帐户后,就可以在电视上...

  • 媒体与Facebook 是否为与虎谋皮

    As has been rumored for some time, Facebook launched a trial project called “Instant Articles” on Wednesday morning—a partnership with nine news organizations, including The New York Times, The Guardian, BuzzFeed,and National Geographic. U...

  • Facebook新表情让你表达负面情绪

    SAN FRANCISCO — Despite the billions of “likes” bestowed on Facebook posts every month, something has been missing: an option to express a different emotion.旧金山——尽管Facebook的帖子每个月都会接到数十亿个“拜”,但还是补了点东西:传达有所不同情感的选...
